Different Types of Errors in Excel and how to Troubleshoot Errors (#DIV/0!, #NAME?, #N/A, #NUM!, #VALUE!, #REF!, #NULL!, #SPILL!, #CALC!, #BUSY & ###) From the above code, "&D" represents the date value and "LeftFooter, CenterFooter, RightFooter" represents the position of the date in the footer section of the sheet You need to save the code by selecting it Then close the window Save the Code You have to open the sheet containing the data On the Developer Tab, choose the Macros option in the CodeError usually means a function name used in the formula is spelled wrong, not that there is a problem in the code itself Another possibility is that you have a piece of unquoted text that Excel is trying to interpret as a Defined Name So, did you spell your function name correctly?
Name Error In Excel Myexcelonline